Fun stuff from the 2011 picnic!...................................................................................................................... RETURN TO THE MAIN INFO PAGE

Who's Comin'?

  1. Dolores Simpson ~ Skye and Snoop ~ picnic supplies, water and bowls, poop bags, etc.
  2. Doug/Denise Hansford ~ Buster, Patty, Eve, and Sally ~ fencing, weenies, musical hoops, etc.
  3. Anne McGinn ~ Finnegan ~ deviled eggs
  4. Mason Frisby/+1 ~ Sherlock ~ two cases of bottled water
  5. Beth Chilton ~ Trevor ~ chicken
  6. Lucy Orozco/Phillip Martinez ~ Dutchess and Bentley ~ fruit salad
  7. Susan Luong/Mike Dong ~ Wally and Oliver ~ chips
  8. Laura McCormac ~ Dexter and Piper (the dancing cardigans) ~ yummy pasta dish
  9. Beth Shafer ~ Tegan ~ dessert
  10. Ann/Barry Foose ~ Butterball and Dilly ~ chili
  11. Quinci Land/Christopher Fitzpatrick/Gus's "Grandmother" ~ Gus and Pamm ~  BBQ meatballs and soda
  12. Arleen Rooney ~ Idalla, Aiden and one adoptable corgi TBD ~ vegetarian baked beans, sweet bread, and Arizona diet green ice tea
  13. Luis Hernandez ~ Desi
  14. Glenn/Marge Brisendine ~ Sam the Pem and his friend, Tess the Sheltie ~ potato salad and some things for the auction
  15. Marie/Joe Szczypkowski ~ Captain Noah Hampton ~ cupcakes
  16. Kim Liang/+2 ~ Butter ~ chips, bean dips and salsa
  17. Joyce Deep
  18. Jolyn/Max Yamada ~ Charlie Chan ~  an Asian Salad and Insect Repellent!!
  19. Jim/Kathy Meagher ~ Scooter ~ mac and cheese
  20. Kelli Krysh ~ Penny ~ soda and juice boxes
  21. Terrie Shepherd ~ Smarty Shepherd ~ something yummy!
  22. Patty/David and Willow Ferris ~  Albus and Lorena ~  corgi cookies for people and pets
  23. Robert/Kay Lee Fukui ~ Scooter
  24. Nancy Thurlow ~ Sammy ~ blueberry gingerbread dessert
  25. Martin Haines ~ Roscoe ~ some sort of dessert
  26. Trudy Krose and Tanner ~ Peaches ~ Cha Siu Bao
  27. Michael/Corinne Rodriguez ~ Puka ~ chicken egg rolls
  28. Jill/Bob Engels ~ Kirby ~ brownies
  29. Dana/Juan Keithly ~ Puddinhead ~ 7-layer dip and chips
  30. Alexsandra Papoban ~ Charilie ~ cookies
  31. Tim/Nadira Banik ~ two border collies???